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Community life(地域とともに暮らす)

Last updated date:2021/8/31

Non-Japanese residents are also welcome to join neighborhood associations!

Neighborhood associations are organizations made up of local residents. Neighborhood associations do a range of things to encourage interaction between people who live in the same community. It is up to you whether you join. Of course, non-Japanese residents are more than welcome to join. By joining, you will be able to work alongside others and make new friends, making your life in Japan even more enjoyable. So please get involved and help make a difference to your community!

Kinds of activities carried out by neighborhood associations

Helping make the community a more pleasant place to live for all

Festivals and sports days

A circle of people performing a Bon festival dance
Bon festival dance

Neighborhood associations hold a range of festivals and events, the nature of which depends on where you live. Festivals provide a great opportunity to find out about Japanese culture, including Bon Festival dancing, portable shrines, and rice cake pounding.

Community cleanup activities

People working hard to clean up a park
Clean-up activities

Neighborhood associations work to help keep garbage collection sites and streets clean, as well as to raise awareness on how to properly sort and dispose of garbage.
Please help to keep your community clean.

A nearby source of mutual support in times of hardship

Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world. And in recent years, it has suffered extensive damage due to torrential rain, etc. In times of hardship, everyone works to help each other out regardless of nationality. So it is important to get to know people in your community on a day-to-day basis.

Emergency drills

Photo of emergency drill①
Emergency drill①

Some neighborhood associations hold emergency drills to help people prepare for times of disaster. Please get involved and learn what to do in the event of a disaster.

Emergency provisions

Photo of emergency drill②
Emergency drill②

Some neighborhood associations keep a stock of provisions such as water, food and equipment like portable toilets to prepare for times of disaster.

Taking steps to protect your own community

Looking out for children

Photo of looking out for children
Looking out for children

Children are a community's treasures. Every day, members of neighborhood associations are positioned along streets to keep watch over children as they walk to school and ensure they arrive safely.

Neighborhood watch patrols

Photo of neighborhood watch patrol
Neighborhood watch patrol

Neighborhood associations patrol their community's streets to help protect people from crime. They inform the police about any accidents or incidents which take place in your community. Please work with members of your community to help make it a safe and pleasant place to live.

How to join a neighborhood association

To join a neighborhood association, please ask an executive member of your local neighborhood association or your ward office's Community Promotion Division for more information.
When you join a neighborhood association, you need to pay a membership fee. This costs a few hundred yen per month. The money raised through this membership fee is used to help make your community a safe and pleasant place to live, such as through disaster prevention, crime prevention and town beautification activities.

Telephone numbers of ward office Community Promotion Divisions
Word Telephone number
Tsurumi 045-510-1687
Kanagawa 045-411-7086
Nishi 045-320-8389
Naka 045-224-8131
Minami 045-341-1235
Konan 045-847-8391
Hodogaya 045-334-6302
Asahi 045-954-6091
Isogo 045-750-2391
Kanazawa 045-788-7801
Kohoku 045-540-2234
Midori 045-930-2232
Aoba 045-978-2291
Tsuzuki 045-948-2231




Izumi 045-800-2391
Seya 045-367-5691
Where to inquire
Content Contact details
Concerning this page Community Activities Promotion Division, Civic Affairs Bureau
Tel: 045-671-2317
Fax: 045-664-0734
Email: [email protected]

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